Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Through the Looking Glass...

It’s during times like these, when life’s trials and pain want to wear you down that I tend to refocus my attention on other things.

This is when I noticed something that I think I’ll cherish more than any other thing my grandparents taught me.

What did I notice?

I’m glad you asked.

I noticed the undying love and affection in my children’s eyes as they tried to understand my depression and sadness.

The sparkle of their eyes and the inherent glow about them as they thought up ways and things to brighten my day just seemed to make everything fade into the mist of forgetfulness.

The chiming peals of laughter as they wrestled and played with one another, in hopes that the big gruff daddy bear would join in and create serious fun and havoc with their game.

The gentle love and care given to me by my wife, as she tried to let me have my space and yet was close enough to be on hand when things were too serious to handle.

Overall, I think that the best gift given to me was the understanding that even though the people who raised me are now gone, their love, their way of life, and the teachings that they gave to me will still live on no only in my life, but in the lives of my children and family as I continue to raise and teach my kids in the way that I was raised.

In love.

In hope.

Thank you all for your support while I was dealing with some tough times.

I’ll write more tomorrow.


Dana said...

Good to see you back. Times like these are never easy, but knowing those around you love you enough to let you get through it however you need to is a joy.

Bee (the one who muses) said...

And so life goes on. Lucky you to have such a great support system. :o)

Hubman said...

Yeah, good to see you back! Kids are so good for putting a smile on your face, aren't they?

Tracy Rambles On And On said...

Kids really are so wonderful in times like these, Jorm.
My Grandmother and I were always very close but we became even more so after I got married and had children. She was my "go to" person for advice on marriage, parenting, or just life in general.
When she died, my whole family was sad, but in a way I wanted to grieve selfishly as well for the loss of someone who had been such a dominant force in my life for my entire life.
They understood that and gave me the space that I needed but were also right there when I needed them too.
And even though it's been three years since her passing, I still see her touch in everything, including the way I'm raising my children and the way they've learned to handle things and to let others handle things.
That doesn't go away, ever, and it can be very comforting in times like these.